virgin airway's had the potential to become a ponzi imo even though it had a a working business model, the fact that when a business does start to succeed the need to propagate lies to make profits is abolished
also i have seen some products intended for sale to the mass market in my professional opinion are worthy products but their competition manage to paint them as a fake product
which in turn confuses the user as well, the product is then shunned by the mainstream and anyone providing capital sees it go up in smoke
bitcoin has flaws though the concept is sound and will likely continue even if it takes a few turns to become solvent
even with fiat if someone is rich you need to question where they made the money if they cant answer that they obviously made it illegally
same thing goes with fake resumes many many people these days are turning to fake resumes id say the proportion of fake resumes is higher than real ones
maybe i need to add on my next resume that i worked for Microsoft for 10 years and Bill Gates is my Uncle