and once again America trying to control the world.... im getting to the stage where im going to start encouraging people to attack America....
i now full blown hate America.. if you come to the UK or Europe and your American your probably better of lieing and saying you Canadian. less chance youll get beaten up.
im not raciest or sexist i just hate anything to do with America and anything to do with Americas "way of life" if America was a person it would be locked away in a small cell with restraints on.
You need to check yourself, mister. There is a HUGE difference in the american people and our evil overlords that are doing all the things you hate.
The last few years have woken up the vast majority of americans to knowing that they're not in control anymore... Things like PRISM, FISA courts and drone warfare in countries we're not even at war with are kinda hard to ignore. The problem is that the media still tells everyone that people with those feelings are in the minority... But we aren't. The last presidential election proved that when Ron Paul gathered larger crowds at his speeches than any other candidate, including obomba... yet the press just kept saying he had no chance and people believed that.
I'll grant you that the american 'way of life' is the major problem though... It allowed for our tyrants to rise and control so much. -But we're paying for it now and this country is going to crash and burn horribly because of it. -So don't be so eager to kick us while we're down... We've still got a long way further to fall.
if America was a person in my country and i had control it would have been shot several time over
Well that removes the possibility of your country being the UK.
im going to kick. poke. and prod at America all the way.... you got your selves into a right mess and the least i can do is laugh at you all while you suffer "im not very sympathetic to anyone these days" the fault is while you crash and burn you wont do it dignified youll take down other country's with you to...
with a bit of luck theres still a chance at recovery. granted its a very small chance and your government like many other governments need to focus more at home than trying to control things they have no right to try and control
the major problems and a rather good saying is
"those who have the ability to control dont want the responsibility, and those that have the responsibility dont have the ability"
and i think iv just invented that XD
i now feel smart and superior and believe i have made my point