The thread started on 2014-01-24 and the last post is from 2014-02-04.
The reason I found the thread was because I was searching for any references in the Bitcoin community about Anita Sarkeesian. I wondered "does she accept Bitcoin?". Anyway this is the only thread I found which referenced her person and that in a negative light unfortunately.
The Bitcoin community has some sexists but they also have people who are upset by violence against women.
They want to shut us up and degrade and insult us for just wanting a more just world. We are not demanding anything from a utopia. Just more respect and love. As it is now less women take an interest in Bitcoin thanks to the sexists and their hateful ways which equals less participants in Bitcoin.
Here's a summary of people's stance on women in early 2014:
surebet links[1](link was broken but is now fixed) to Arianna Simpson's webpage which starts the thread.
Paladin69 posts a sexist youtube video "Christian Ice - TITS OR GTFO" to repeat all the known stereotypes we've already been bothered to death with thousands of times over.
31337157 thinks that Arianna Simpson's sexism experience is the exception, not the rule. "No, actually, that's not what it's like to be a woman at a bitcoin meeting"
SirWilliam is not positive of Arianna Simpson's writing style "Her account is full of cartoonish generalizations".
Zeal0t thinks the men are not to blame for what happened during the assault "can you really blame a room full of mega nerds for not at all knowing how to treat a woman?".
Paladin69 reaffirms previous opinion "don't dress like a cock tease.".
kjlimo doesn't have time for this thread. "Not all meetups are the same"
Junko expresses enjoyment of the video Paladin69 posted
fancy_pants doesn't think that Arianna Simpson was assaulted as a female, but as a human. "I don't think you were hit on and practically groped because you are a woman"
Zeal0t agrees with fancy_pants "Nice"
freedomno1 comments on that he has never met a woman at a Bitcoin meetup. "I have attended bitcoin meetups and no girls have appeared"
Bitware does not like how Arianna Simpson presented her story "emotion, lies and misrepresentations"
Grinder "we're supposed to be living in the civilized part of the world"
PhydeauxLeChien thinks we should not exclude 50% of potential entrants in the Bitcoin Community. Treat women as our allies, not enemies.
Rygon thinks that women should fight back if they are victims of sexism. "the author choose not to fight back"
Bitware thinks Arianna Simpson and Anita Sarkeesian are liars. "Anita Sarkeesian did the same thing to the tune of $160 thousand re feminist video game commentary."
PhydeauxLeChien doesn't personally know Arianna Simpson but thinks her story is strongly connected to reality. "The core tenet of feminism is merely that men and women should be treated equally."
100x is disgusted by the sexism in this thread. "The amount of sexism in this thread is sad and pathetic."
surebet thinks that most of the posters in the thread are terrible people. "Most of you are terrible people."
pabloangello "Most of people here are mens that when see nice lady start to think by their dicks."
freedomno1 "Well at least this is the right demographic to ask lol"
mailmansDOG not related to the thread "internet gold"
Gabi thinks that gender should not matter in the Bitcoin community. "Ridicolous. Sex does not matter in bitcoin"
Bitware doesn't like political correctness. "She and those like her live in the world of whimsy, emotion, political correctness and what they try to do is alter your speech". Note: Don't forget that political correctness includes choosing words to not offend other people.
cryptoanarchist agrees with 31337157 but would also like to personally insult Arianna Simpson
exstasie would like to see pictures "Any pics?"
anti-scam doesn't like this thread. "rather than working on stuff like the payment protocol"
surebet reaffirms previous opinion. "Terrible people, terrible people everywhere."
greyhawk thinks surebet should stop thinking about terrible people. "The suprising part is where you're still surprised."
PhydeauxLeChien thinks Bitware is funny "You're hilarious"
VforVictory talks about hormones.
Bitcopia wonders why the thread is in the Press section. "Why is this thread in press?"
Junko makes fun of the situation that no women want to join the Bitcoin community.
VforVictory got a bit confused on what Junko said.
Junko "Who said I wanted to relate to feminism/feminists?"
yayayo thinks that thinking is overrated.
Grinder thinks the women-hating atmosphere has gone too far. "You will probably never even realize how big a disservice you're doing to Bitcoin by posting all these stuipd remarks."
Junko feels insulted "I only hope bitcoin can recover from this great disservice I've rendered upon it."
yayayo thinks that Bitcoin as a divine entity does not care about sexism. "Bitcoin doesn't care, cause it has no sex."
VforVictory "
Grinder thinks it is worthwhile to start a flamewar with the help of Junko
Junko would certainly like the flamewar to begin if somebody just provides the fire.
Grinder thinks it is appropriate as part of the flame to make women look stupid.
Junko notes it is stupid to make fun of women as part of a flamewar."That kind of remark is a disservice not only to your aunt"
C. Bergmann "No problem at all. Girls, join the meetups. You'll never felt more pretty"
marcus_of_augustus thinks people should stop posting in the thread "Can't we let this thread die already?"
surebet disagrees with marcus_of_augustus
cryptoanarchist blames the mother. "Definitely getting to see who the awkward geeks are that still worship women because they feel inadequate due to growing up with an overbearing mother."
prophetx replies to Bitcopia whether the thread is in the right forum section.
100x thinks that the sexism and hate prevalent in the thread is a hostile environment and doesn't encourage discussion but only name calling and insults. "I had a nice snarky post all written, but in the interest of being a positive contributor I begrudingly removed it."
prophetx thinks it matters a lot if a woman is called a girl, instead of being called a woman.
100x is not much for a greater discussion in a hostile woman-hating environment.
prophetx replies to 100x
embracebitcoin thinks most women prefer ignorance to knowledge. "A bit like 'ignorance is bliss'."
Le Happy Merchant says thank you and leaves the thread alone.
xyzzy099 gets turned on by surebet's avatar.
surebet comments about the avatar, that it could be worse than what it looks.
Ripdon007 mentions another Bitcoin meetup where women were the minority and men were the majority. "and had around 40 people present and 1 Woman/Girl"
exstasie "Though it does seem these that majority of the women I talk to are aware of Bitcoins, and know all about it."
yayayo agrees with embracebitcoin
tjohej "The reason I found the thread was because I was searching for any references in the Bitcoin community about Anita Sarkeesian"
surebet says page is going down
elasticband is dissatisfied with something
ThomasCrowne "Only meetings I've ever attended are up here in Portland and there is a growing female presence attending seemingly every other week."
tjohej on link-rot
Grinder to tjohej "Wow, you must really enjoy building straw men."
dontCAREhair to ThomasCrowne "Overall bitcoin use is mostly male by a large amount so any females that use bitcoin will be met with a bit of skepticism."
Erdogan thinks surebet was paid by someone to start this thread
nwfella thinks one of the men are not to blame for what happened during the assault "Apologies but it's good that you realize that in his own sort of awkward way he was probably trying to pay you a compliment."
cryptoanarchist blames surebet
nwfella found cryptoanarchist's ways violent "And your more than likely right to boot."
Swordsoffreedom if the demographics on gender have changed recently
surebet replies to Erdogan
CoinMode irritated by tjohej's summary of the thread
turvarya thinks that how women dress matter when going to a Bitcoin meetup. "Yes it matters how she was dressed and also her body language."
tjohej "This isn't a thread about Anita Sarkeesian"
[1] -- (link was broken so replaced it with WayBack Machine)