Isn't the developer shooting his own foot by openly admitting he wants his wallet to be used for illegal activities and black market?
Yes, but strong ethics, courage, and convection often lead to this. One extreme example to make the point clear: the tank man of Tiananmen Square fame really shot himself in the foot when he decided to block a chain of advancing tanks rather than go home and watch some TV.
Understand; however he could have made his point just by releasing the wallet. He didn't have to BRAG about the illegal usage. Its like bragging about the crimes you committed when the feds are arresting you.
"Anything you say can be used against you. You have the right to remain silent"
It is important to note that there are two
main people involved and that one is doing more advocacy, one more coding. Amir Taaki doing the coding (Britain), and Cody Wilson (US) doing advocacy, iirc. The difference between the two jurisdictions and the two roles is important since it has lots of non-illegal uses too - and the definition of illegal depends on your jurisdiction of course. It is more difficult for the US to attack the advocacy portion due to the Constitution and 1st Amendment.
I don't know what will happen, if anything, to them, but if Amir is concentrating on the privacy aspects and Cody is doing the advocacy it
seems to make it more difficult for the authorities.
It is an important project.