Well, I hope this is a wake up call to US based cryptocurrency entrepreneurs: once you've earned enough to afford to transfer your legal residency to somewhere else, do it. The moral justification for a corrupt regulatory system demanding money from entrepreneurs who do not use their system is highly questionable. Paying the fine hasn't changed the salient facts that prompted the actions of the SEC; Satoshi Dice or FeedZeeBirds are still not listed on any US stock exchange. And so what has their action righted that was wrong?
I think the point is that they weren't listed on any US stock exchange... but were acting like securities... which is against the rules.
We have rules to protect people. I agree that if you don't like the rules of a country you should move somewhere else.... but just "legally" moving your residency somewhere else and then spending your entire life in another country just so you can circumnavigate the rules also seems questionable... so I'm not sure what makes you feel better going about it this way...
What protection would a bitcoin entrepreneur have to gain by registering their asset instruments with the SEC? They would probably have been, at best, unable to enter the marketplace, or at worst, charged with a different crime. Using a non-official channel was the most realistic prospect that Eric Voorhees had of himself being adequately protected, as well as that of any shareholders in the two ventures.
Face it. There is no moral or ethical crime here, simply a business owner legitimately trying to protect his interests.