I stand corrected - Gox IS dead, and Mark knows it, he just needs to stop people from withdrawing all their funds. Classy. Just the kind of "goxxing" I would expect from an inexperienced businessman.
That was exactly what I thought when I read that. He's putting limits on withdrawals of YOUR coins. There are two groups of people gonna win this one. Those brave souls who bought at ridiculously low prices, and the upper management of Gox. The company itself? Unless they can sell it to somebody who can restore it's rep, they're done. They don't have the FDIC or similar "safety nets" to get a tax funded bailout.
Guys, there has always been a withdrawal limit. I'm not pointing that out to defend mtgox or justify their behavior, only to get everyone on the same page.
True enough, but the implication in the press release is that they are going to throttle it further. Of course I can't prove this, but it's my thought they are doing so not to "test" their fix for their essentially bullshit problem, but to prevent practically everyone from just getting the hell out.
FWIW, I primarily use Coinbase. Never had a problem, even though they were usually a bit behind the market. There's something to be said for decent customer service.
what is cox was in only in a attempt to destroy bitcoin , how blindly some press is following cox is intresting to see , offcource bitcoin will come out stronger ,and iam actualy wondering IF any bitcoins are for REAL on the cox exchane.
is there a way to check in blockchain?