Ignore the facts, just try to discredit anyone and everyone who doesn't share your narrow viewpoint.
(or the thread will go silent after I've called out the obvious BS of it all)
You're ignoring the facts.
Whatever happened here, it doesn't change the fact that Roger has launched or backed 3 separate failed attempts to wrest control of Bitcoin away from the current project leaders.
And he's not doing that 3 times in a row because he believes his own rhetoric. If the market spoke out strongly against the XT fork, libertarian Ver should have listened. If the market spoke out strongly against the Classic fork, libertarian Ver should have listened. Or are you going to start taking Roger's line of "all the horrible-worrible bigger boys are bullying me, Daaaaaaaaaad!".
Careful DooMAD, your post looks alot like someone trying to "open a flank" within Bitcoin. Being divisive for the sake of it might not be a "narrow viewpoint", but it's hardly the balanced view to be so open-minded that you're willing to speak up in favour of Bitcoin's (current) most egregious bad actor, "because forking mechanism valid".
The most balanced view you can have is that pool operators can do whatever they please with their own pool, developers can do whatever they want with the code and users can run whatever code they like. Freedom. Complete and utter. You're more than welcome to moan about it and throw around as many accusations about ill intent as you like if you disagree, but the fact remains anyone is free to do as they please. If you decide to operate a pool, you can pay as much or as little as you like and there's nothing anyone can say or do to stop you. Roger Ver is free to do what he likes, not what you or anyone else thinks he should do with your apparent psychic powers to judge true motive. It appears you're still only a fan of freedom until someone has a different view. Maybe you should work on that.
Whatever happened here, it doesn't change the fact that Roger has launched or backed 3 separate failed attempts to wrest control of Bitcoin away from the current project leaders.
That would make Roger a hero in my book. I hope you understand that a fundamental tenet of Bitcoin is that it is not controlled by anyone. If you want it to be controlled by the current project leaders, then doesn't that make you anti-bitcoin?
This view is entirely correct that no one is in control. As such, there's no way to "wrest control" from those who never had it to begin with. Contributing code doesn't give you ownership or control of the entirety of Bitcoin forever. It gives you control of whatever repo your code happens to be in. Core devs are in control of Core's repository. BU devs are in control of BU's repository. People need to stop conflating local governance (repositories) with network governance (consensus).
If the market continues to choose the current consensus, that's fine. But if the market does opt for change, that's equally fine. It seems people still have a problem with that part. Let the market do its thing. Don't stifle free and open competition.
trying to destroy the Bitcoin project with carefully strategised, divisive lies.
Touch melodramatic there, don't you think? Again, you can only speculate about intent and, more importantly, if the actions of a lone individual could destroy Bitcoin, then it could be argued that the whole project was never worth a rub to begin with. Bitcoin will continue to roll on and those who can't handle the rollercoaster will continue to whine every twist and turn of the way. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. The only drama here is what you bring to it.