Bisq, which allows users to exchange crypto anonymously, abruptly disabled trading late Tuesday night after it uncovered "a critical security vulnerability."
I love those so-called decentralized exchanges...
Everything is decentralized, but they have a kill switch, they can modify the code when they see fit and most important, they have control over the trades, otherwise, this wouldn't have happened...
To carry out the thefts, the attacker was able to set other users' default fallback address – the destination to which crypto is sent to if a trade fails – to their own.
If this is being decentralized then even a hypermarket is decentralized, you can go and buy one brand of milk or another at what prices the brand sees fit, it doesn't matter that the store is in charge of the transactions, refund and that it can shut down everything, is decentralized because...they advertise it like that.
And nothing in the article or on their channel about the money lost...