One cannot rely on a single job these days, you need to venture into another side jobs where your skills can still be useful and may bring additional income for you. The more income you gained, the bigger chances that you become financially stable, and the higher chances that you will be able to save. Saving could be a lot of help so you can prepare in any circumstances that may come in your life unexpectedly. If you have emergency funds, you will always be confident that you won’t struggle in your finances once unplanned expenses or financial emergencies arise.
Yeah, it's kinda sad reality these days. On the brighter side, there were more opportunities that opened for people to still somehow have flexible time working and still pull some strings during these fuckery prices of commodities. I partially still offer freelancing service when I have the time, but considering the my 9-5 kinda demands my whole day is but still pays really well is something I could get away somehow.
I kinda disagree that the more income you gained, the bigger chances that you will be confident that no struggles will come. In 9-5 jobs, the higher income you gain, the higher responsibility you might encounter and that might mean that you would encounter high risk tasks. This is why in software dev, I just usually stick to the technical side instead of managerial.
1. Have more than 1 source of income.
- Like OP said, nothing is promised. The more income source, the better.
Nowadays, in a family of 3-4 people, having only one source of income especially when you're living in an urban area isn't enough. Maybe it is enough if you're living in a rural area as prices of things there are cheaper, but having one income source on a family isn't enough at least for me. That income source will just go into the needs of the family. Where is the savings? Where is the emergency funds? That's why having multiple income source would be better than having only 1.
I believe we reside in the same country, the Philippines? If you've been around Taguig City (specifically BGC), even by living alone, it's quite hard to live there considering the luxurious life there. Hotels and condos everywhere. I was planning to relocate there before, but meh.