Edit: Wait, isn't not wrong right to give my opinion? I thought my internet connection is slow which make the poll not show the result lol.
I will alter it to show the votes after taking part, reduce confusion and give some feedback. No need for super top secret really lol
Anyone who wants to see poll votes can just vote I dont care and change it later if you want or just guess now is totally fine. The poll is dynamic till mid Jan.
69K to 80K is my pick range but I believe it will go deeper than that.
Great I appreciate some contrast, we need the bears
I count that estimate as normal anyway but is the timing & context correct I'm undecided.
Seriously if everyone is super bullish then I get apprehensive about us all standing on the same side of the boat thinking it wont get unstable. Bitcoin is easily a volatile asset as supply is heavily constrained (vs most commodities etc.), instability sets back the longer term kind of investment into this space which scares off or impedes the big money type operations I think.
None of that is clear initially just my idea to the layers within crypto not just the headline price.
I agree on all prices just what duration do they last for, what sticks. I haven't decided my vote, Im not feeling where we are in the cycle that Bitcoin does every time seemingly.
Powell said Bitcoin is like a gold
Im in shock, I grew up with Greenspan and Volcker; look up the Federal rates 40 years ago if you dont know the story. Greenspan at 98 years old now has gone back to his hard money roots and you know how they'd vote on this poll