Focus on word STARTED. Also 5th bar started green, later it turned to red.
I started the night with one beer. Does that mean I will get a DUI? Who knows? There isn't enough information to tell right now. So I end up hammered and I get pulled over and the cop asks me "Mr.Ryan, how many drinks have you had tonight?" and I respond "well, I started with one, and proceeded to drink 27 more"
Cop:"You're going to jail"
Me:"But, I started with just one!"
The moral of the story is that the start is irrelevant. A lot of shit can happen between the open and the close. The close is the only thing that matters. So we are officially at two green 3D MACD bars with a third in the works.
It sounds to me like someone is trying to get some hype stirring because his newly acquired Bitcoins are under water