I'm really frustrated. if 2FA, strong password,confirmation email is not enough I don't know how is possible to develop this thing in which I strongly believed.
Paper and offline wallets are not handy, hardware wallets are not ready, brainwallets are not safe.
convenience is an advanced feature.
you're blaming tools (2FA, strong pw, conf email) when none of that has anything to do with you being compromised.
Your level of being compromised would render basically any computer system vulnerable, it has nothing to do with bitcoin and everything to do with your being hacked via bad software OR the issue of trusting a 3rd party with a "promise."
for example, confirmation emails with a static confirm link only work if your email isn't compromised. they should link you to a page on the site that requires you to use a specific IP address, redundant 2FA and possibly another password for a secure login. That would be "more secure" but "less convenient."