Then the cartel created an alt-coin. It is important to understand that in this scenario 50% has no special meaning. It can be done with 1% or 99% of network hashrate and/or 1% or 99% of the nodes. As long as each network has at least one node which is also mining (creating blocks) then both networks will continue to coexisting with some level of usage.
The A, B, C grouping of "coins" above is not the complete story. Remember Bitcoin doesn't work on the concept of "coins" or balances it works on the concept on unspent outputs. If someone on network "A" mines a new block this creates an output which exists on network A only, lets call this output A001. Now lets also assume that miner has an unspent output which existed prior to the split, lets call that output C001. Now this miner pays someone using both those outputs.
A002 - receiver
A003 - change
Since the tx is only valid on the "A" network (any tx with one or more "A" input will be seen as invalid on the "B" network), the outputs are also only valid on the "A" network. The thing to note is that coins have been erased from the "C" category. Even though a C input was used (lets say it was 10 BTC) the output is no only usable on the A network. So it isn't just the newly created coins it is any future outputs which use any input which is only valid on one network. Obviously the same effect applies on the "B" network as well.
So if the fork occured right now, most txs would propogate on both networks however like a fork in the road the two networks will rapidly diverge. This will happen organically but it can also be "forced". If one wanted to ensure their tx only propagated on one network you could ensure (likely use a client that makes sure) that all created txs use at least one "A" (or "B") input thus the tx can't propagate on more than one network. Since the change of any such tx is network specific you can ensure all future tx are restricted to a single network as well.
Also as casascius pointed out 50% of the nodes (or miners) doesn't matter. This scenario (creating an alt-coin which uses Bitcoin's legacy history) can happen with any % of the network. 1%, 50%, 99% of nodes and/or miners there is no special significance to 50%. Essentially you just have a new altcoin which lacks a unique genesis block and thus shares Bitcoin's history up to the point of the fork. It will have to survive on its own merits. If even some users remain on the original Bitcoin network it will continue to coexist. Most (all?) altcoins today have thrown away Bitcoin's history using just the source code + modifications + new genesis block. This creates a new incompatible blockchain from block zero, you can consider it a fork at the genesis block. However this doesn't have to happen you can fork the history at any point in time. The scenario you describe in the OP has always been possible. It doesn't need any specific % of miners or any specific % of nodes. You, yourself, alone could do it right now with a network of one. Modify the Bitcoin source code (probably need to hardcode initial difficulty back to a lower level) and start a single mining node. You now have an new altcoin which shares Bitcoin's history prior to the fork.