Tip #1 - Make sure you identify your financial goals for trading in currencies. Do you have a daily or yearly goal you hope to achieve? Write it down and focus on achieving it. If you're brand new to trading in Forex and currencies then don't be overly ambitious and stay realistic, but don't be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone a bit either.
Tip #2 - Educate yourself as much as possible on how the markets work. There is a relatively large learning curve for Forex and currency trading so knowing the ins and outs is vital to being successful. Don't go in over your head before you get a chance to learn the basics and even some intermediate level strategies. This will save you a lot of headache and stress in the long run.
Tip #3 - Make a commitment to becoming profitable. Trading in currencies isn't for the timid or weak hearted and if you don't have the commitment to stick with it until you're successful you'll get trampled. Since trading in Forex markets for a gain is a competitive and often frustrating experience at first many people just give up. If you do this you'll fail and never become profitable but if you refuse to give up you can only succeed.
By the way I often read about Technical Analyst and Trading advice on this site
https://academy.mtbit.com/. Just go for it
All these points mentioned about trading are hypothetical. Setting your goal to take profit per day, per week, per month is easy but refining your trading strategy to achieve it is very difficult. Trading cannot to learnt by reading books only, it needs lot of practice. Everyone wants to be profitable and commit himself of getting profit but market reacts opposite to trader's expectations. So I believe these points are baseless to become a successful trader rather below are some points which I think can be building blocks of one's trading career.
1. First study about trend, SR and other important terms in trading
2. Always trade in the direction of higher trend.
3. Do not risk more than 2% of your capital in a single trade, be patient to wait for the right setup.
4. Plan a trade well, set up exit points on both side ie TP and SL.
5. Do not get greedy and do not get afraid of taking a loss.
6. If you miss 1 opportunity, wait for the 2nd one, do not catch the running train.
There many other things which trader learn from the real time experience, one should practice on demo or micro live account before going live.