not sure, i think the block limit debate is not really hindering bitcoin value at the moment, with the recent japan acceptance of bitcoin as a currency, the value could skyrocket without reaching any consensus on the block size
also the value could increase without people moving more coins, i mean there isn't really a correlation between number of transaction per day and the bitcoin value, especially at these low stage of value, perhaps this could be more true above $10k...
I think it depends on situation also since there are some group of people are scattering some fuds that affects the mentality of some holders that shaken their nuts to sell their hodl bits. And actually we can see it day by day since some of people wants bitcoins price to dump and plays with its flactuation.
But in this case truly im wondering how things could go on bitcoins economy after the mass acceptance of japan citizens. Maybe it has a great effect truly but i cannot see some good odds upon predicting an higher price of it.
We do not need to look for long term solutions for scaling as of now as per segwit hence we can expect prices to boom again like $3000 or even $5000 too.