Believe me, once you get the minimum ETH required for staking, you'll be able to earn a constant reward over the long term. This will be just like a savings account at a bank, but better as you'll earn much more money over time if prices start to rise all the way to the moon. Getting 32 ETH for staking is much more affordable than saving money for a DASH masternode. Ethereum could remain a decentralized cryptocurrency for the world, because of its high accessibility.
While PoS may lead to a certain level of centralization for the ETH blockchain, it's the best way to go in order to increase scalability and reduce energy consumption by a long shot. People who can't afford 32 ETH would simply choose a staking pool to reap the rewards. While the earnings won't be the same, at least it's something that will accumulate over time which serves to be a nice source of passive income.
Nonetheless, we'll just have to wait for the ETH dev team to give out specific instructions on how to stake the cryptocurrency on our wallets. The 32 ETH requirement could be temporary as the underlying blockchain hasn't done the switch to PoS yet. As we get closer to this phase, developers could decide to either lower or increase the ETH requirement to become a validator. It's best to set a dynamic amount of coins required for staking instead of a fixed value, since ETH prices are volatile. Otherwise, the cost of obtaining 32 ETH for staking may increase according to the coin's price across the market. In the end, people will decide whenever they'll keep supporting ETH with its PoS implementation or simply switch to another coin that's much easier to mine or stake. With an ever-growing crypto market, there's a choice for everyone. Just my opinion