Doesn't it feel great to pass up that 300Mh/s mark?? You can just feel the overwhelming value oozing from the 5830 GPU.
TRIXX did the same thing for my memory clock, and while I haven't tried going below 300, I've always read the sweet spot for mem clock is around 350-360. 360 happened to be the right number for me, but you'll have to play around in that range to find yours.
Feels really great! I've been wanting to push the card higher than what CCC would allow so was eager to try AfterBurner - but that caused so many blue screens, it just annoyed me and made me give up. The look, feel and simplicity of TRIXX makes overclocking a breeze, and now I am not scared to push my card further! The AfterBurner interface for me was just too much and clearly the fact that it made me blue screen when i never pushed it anywhere close to what I am pushing the card with TRIXX makes me think that it has some technical issues.
I only wish I had bought a 2nd 5830 at the time I got my current one so I could crossfire. They were going for a steal and I only discovered Bitcoin a few weeks after they sold out =/