Nice challenge you have going on here, I'm surprised with the amount of people voting no.
But at the same time I'm disappointed you close your day and keep your funds in fiat.. Arent you feeling the FOMO of when it rises back up? Or maybe you dont sleep?
Because of that my expectation of your profits is going to be a bit lower (LOL) . If I average your profits at around 2.6% daily, and that you're going to commit to at least 1% of your total balance every day(Im going to have a laugh watch you struggle the last month), but to account for fuckups on your side I'll divide by three, making my prediction :
- 450 622$
Good luck!
Yeah I know but I can't afford to keep it in crypto at this moment.
firstly my goal in this challenge is to build fiat value and not crypto amount. So I can't afford to keep in crypto in the evening and wake up it dropped to much and see a couple of days work vanished.
But I do set buy order before going to bed.I mostly set my buys 5-15% lower as the value @ time of going to sleep.
One of the following days or weeks I am also starting the same challenge with the same amount but then I will try to build as much crypto as possible.
So if I stay in BTC overnight in that one it does not matter cause the BTC value will remain the same. But I rather do not have open positions when going to sleep. I could put up stop loss but I rather have only open positions when I am trading during the day and take some smaller profits than hoping there will be a bounce at night. In this way I try to avoid too many losses. At this moment I did not close any position at a loss. After 12 days every single trade got closed with profit and thats the way I like it.