Quote from "toptek"
"gaming what made me that way on those forums nothing but asses i play online games from time to time excuse that one word but they are . this stuff is real to life on gaming forums it's a mess imo these forums they seem a lot nicer but i would still look for my self" .
This forum is the only Social Media interaction I have with people online. I made the decision early on in the "My Space" and "Facebook" days to live my life free from most mainstream social media, I don't have anything against it, although I do believe a "person" makes good decisions but a "group of people" can often make bad ones(group mentality). There are good sections of this forum and bad sections of this forum(IMHO). I'm very conservative and "anti-political correct" and I question everything in life - people, media, government and church and try to do unbiased factual research, not just what everyone else is thinking/saying/feeling without research, to reach my beliefs on those four subjects. I have traveled and lived all over the world when I was in the military and have experienced a lot of cultures, people and governments so I assume that's why I'm this way. My biggest problem from not using social media is learning what's "accepted" as normal by the "group mentality" that's currently evolved in a specific thread. I think I may come off as rude or biased most of the time online, I do believe and accept that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and views on life and I'm actually a very happy and free spirited person In everyday life, I just come off as a grouch online.
your fine I've lived in most of the world my self my dad was in the service before he died as far as i can remember i was over seas mostly in Germany . but been all over the US with him and once i grew up on my own etc etc . so excuse me when i say some thing i never mean what i say as a bad thing .
I very happy to thu at times it may not seem that way ..
i don't care much for FB etc nor IRC i think its called i only use them because i have to from time to time .
I have non about bitcoins for years even tired it once back when it first started and we could only do it with CPUs but then I saw no value in it. not even sure what got me to look into it this year around April best thing in my life i ever did . I've been disabled sense i was 18 worked till i couldn't any more at 45 . I'm now 58 this keep me jumping more then any game does and has more reward .