Four in a row??
0:28:41, 0:39:23, 0:40:31, 0:03:56
Gotta love these mining times
*knocks wood*
heh did an upgrade on my 1 month knc miner to the .99 firmware got an extra 25gh on slush plus this is very pleasant
1 month today on the Jupiter 550gh made 21 coins * 750 usd on ..yeah it is an insane number (paper dream only plan to keep but still)
been a good week to say the least
better to be dumb and lucky then plan I guess (was figuring on 9 month ROI not 25 days)
back in my day (old days of summer 2013) everyone mined 1st then they it is probably better to speculate then mine...on the other hand
you can't mine right now easily equip is kinda shy.....whatever "the ways of bitcoin speculation ie china are mysterious to me"
What KNC did you buy? I'm wondering if I should do it on my Mercury...
well I had a "well running unit" and the knc update page says something to that effect if your unit runs well upgrade to .99
I myself was a coward it ran 555gh out of the box with 95 and was rock solid ...afraid I'd brick the unit I held off till this last diff adjustment and took a chance a couple days after 99 came out....and got a 25gh increase in gh on slush's fund as a result after it burned in for 24 hrs
also remember I have a Jupiter 550gh unit oct 18th at 7:30pm cst it went up and the 21 btc was made in a month from then till nov 18th 7:30pm cst ie yesterday evening (we have day light savings time..goes back 1 hr) ..the 21 btc was made in that time frame also slush had some good luck the beg of the month when I put this unit up...also for the month my unit was only down 1 hr when slush had an upgrade issue is all otherwise mined
as to .99 well they say (see prev replys to me in threads over past few days) that you can go back and forth firmware w/o issues again this is if you have a 'stable unit" if it is flaking out with core 0 issues or other stuff maybe not such a good idea if you found a knc patch that works well (why I stalled) compared to others at first of month 555gh on .95 was screaming
but worked for me...
the only change is I only had maybe 1 core go off/on on my unit once every 4 hrs or so ...and then maybe 1 other 2x a I have them go off on more and 2 more cores go off/on but not very often once every few hrs and not in clusters my temps went up with this patch on all my cores maybe 7 or 8c each.....I was told did not check that my elec use may have gone down from what it used on 95 (not an issue last month my elec was less then 100 bucks)
so my other idea is you can do the enablecores so that your cores are always on with only 2 cores kinda flakey and 2 other not even barely flakey wonder if their is a down side (overclock) elec use heat? etc so stalling on that till more info on enablecores risks
if enablecores is easy to toggle on off like the patches (I think you do the enablecores.bin the same way you upgrade the firmware not sure thou)
anyway if it is an easy toggle may do so by enabling all my cores I may get maybe 5gh more out of the unit at best
what the heck
anyway...all I know sometimes it is better to be dumb and lucky to really knowing what you are doing
also when I got my miner on oct 18th I think bitcoin was $150 now it is according to it is $750 USD so yeah considering it was a hobby and I figured maybe I'd make ROI in 7-9 months maybe at best and making ROI in 25 days and $15,750 bucks in a month take that 21btc and you get $15,750 usd - $7,232.80 w/ship less power supply and that is (on paper I have no plans to sell btc) and you get $8,618.2 profit as of 2min people with 100 plus coins not cash in I have no idea ...I'm here a month and want to cash out as bad as a wino going to the store for ripple....(must resist)
what the heck it will probably all blow up go back to 200 and I'd still have a 25% return this who knows what the heck
but like I said in the old days of summer 2013 every NOOB mined first then speculated .maybe all NOOBS now spreculate (no miners to get buy/quick) and will mine later
but human nature what it is a NOOB imho will buy equip on the chance they can get ROI for 7k ...not so much just drop 7k on a hunch that bitcoin will go up...or at least it was in ancient times of summer of 2013......
my 2c worth
You backed the right horse. If you had preordered equipment from Terrahash or did one of the group buys for chips then I think you probably would be singing a different story. I also believe that the people saying not to buy mining equipment are those who don't want to see the difficulty rise. Telling people to buy BTC instead drives the price up while they mine with their equipment.