Just curious, didnt see anyone mention, but 4% daily compounded interest is kind of exciting if it is legit.....any one any info?
No matter how reputable it is, we shouldnt really be that too confident on leaving our bitcoin there and come to think that if we do just held off our own coins into our own wallets and on the sudden price increase or change in the market then we had already earned more that 4% on what they had promised.Well, no one had been forced to invest or park their coins though since it isnt really that too sensible on doing such act
but surprisingly there are still people who do really recognize on putting up their coins just for the sake of that 4% annual gains which i dont see for it to be worth for the risk that you had been putting into.
Freebitco is been here for years and also a reputable one but still cant put up 100% trust when it comes to fund handling.