I had a some spare time today, so I decided to temporarily slap together a test rig similar to the OP's setup.
I couldn't get it exact but very close and I
WAS able to fairly duplicate the power draw from the GPU's to show that ZhashOS is using
LESS power as I stated before.
I had to gather a few GPU's from other rigs to do this for the moment. This test rig is using a celeron G3930 CPU. Same as the OP's. I couldn't gather 4 1070ti's, but I was able to gather 2 1070ti's and 2 1070's. BUT I set all the GPU's to draw 148 watts in the ZhashOS SetupWiz application.
So my GPU's were drawing MORE than the 564 Watts the OP was drawing. I did this to make
sure I wasn't using less from the GPU's.
I also took 16MP pictures so you will be able to zoom in via "Ctrl +" in your browser to see the details if you like.
OK, so 1st pic is showing ZhashOS booted into the GUI desktop and idling. It is drawing a mere 52 watts. Power actually bounced between 52-54 watts while I was taking some pictures.
http://zhashos.altcap.biz/power/1BootedIdle.jpg2nd pic is showing nvidia-smi showing the 4 gpus idling but consuming 32 of the 52 watts ZhashOS is using. So theoretically bare naked ZhashOS booted would draw ~20 watts.
http://zhashos.altcap.biz/power/2NvidiaSmi.jpg3rd pic is a closeup of the nvidia-smi screen showing a clearer view. As a side note, I just realized I left a dummy plug in GPU3, which ZhashOS thought I wanted to be in dual monitor mode and assigned some extra memory and power usage to it. I probably would have been 2-4 watts lower than the 52 watts at idle without it. Oh well, that's what happens when you rush.
http://zhashos.altcap.biz/power/3SmiCloseup.jpg4th pic is a closeup of the power meter for clarity.
http://zhashos.altcap.biz/power/4MeterCloseup.jpg5th pic is a closeup of the SetupWiz screen. Here you will see I set the GPU's 0-3 to draw 148 watts and set a mild overclock. This was a temporary test setup. I didn't want to spend a lot of time on tuning it in.
http://zhashos.altcap.biz/power/5ZhashOSWizSettings.jpg6th pic Shows it in action mining using EWBF. There is a window below the miner showing GPU measurements updating once every 10 seconds. Activating this is a checkbox setting in SetupWiz.
http://zhashos.altcap.biz/power/6mining.jpg7th pic shows a closeup on the mining in action for a clearer view.
http://zhashos.altcap.biz/power/7miningCloseup.jpg8th pic shows a closeup of the meter for clarity.
http://zhashos.altcap.biz/power/8miningMeterCloseup.jpgSo this clearly shows ZhashOS is not just like any other OS. We heavily focused on power efficiency when we assembled this mining OS. So that ended up saving over 80 watts over the OP's setup even while we set the GPU's to consume slightly more power.
FYI, 83 watts x 24 hours x 30 days = 59,760 watt hours (~60 kwh)
60 kwh x $0.145 kwh = $8.70 savings per month. Of coarse it will be even more if you pay more for power.
We estimate our dev fee would be LESS than $1.00 for this rig for the full mining month. This
IS a "Money Good" proposition and a excellent
"value" in this bear market we are currently in.
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