Another way to put it is that gold retained 30% of it's purchasing power over that time period, while the Brazilian currency retained pretty much 0%.
This is a common goldbug claim, and it is retarded. Obviously gold performs better than fiat like USD that targets an inflation rate of 2-3% with periods of double digit inflation in the 1980's. In the long run, fiat currency is the worst investment around. It goes to zero by design. To think this matters, you have to ignore the fact that no one "invests" in USD by hoarding it under their mattress. People invest in productive assets like stocks. Not only do stock prices tend to beat inflation, they get a dividend every year.
You should not use gold to estimate inflation, unless you think we were deflating for 20 years before 2000. Gold does not track inflation.
CurbsideProphet, nice job owning hashman. People listen to Peter Schiff and think they know everything about economics. They can have fun losing 40-70% of their money with that thinking:
Could you please clarify how this claim is retarded? Yes, stocks were most likely better than gold during that time period, although I don't know because original article didn't provide that data. Lets look at how well stocks do against inflation:
The last chart shows stocks invested at the high in 2000 still haven't recovered when taking inflation into the equation, and including reinvested dividends. That doesn't even include taxes and fees that are near impossible to avoid.
You picked the height of the tech bubble to start your stock market graph. If you are capable of predicting this well, you could make 640,000% return only making one trade every ten years since 1970.
Unfortunately, almost no one can make predictions this good, so we have to rely on long run averages. Productive assets like stocks crush unproductive ones like gold in the long run.
What is worse is when governments force the population to invest in stocks through superannuation leading to the situation where you can lose 50% of your retirement savings because a stock market crash happens near the end of your career.