To be honest I'm a little embarrassed that it's been allowed to carry on as long as it has. This community should be smarter than that.
Hmm 'allowed to carry on' , 'allowed' - really dude ?
Fair enough, poor choice of words. I'm not trying to be CryptoHitler or anything
I was getting ready to type up my reasoning, but this guy has pretty much said it for me:
Ok, apologies for also sounding harsh, just seems amazing people who champion bitcoin can be against more of the same, why not ?
We don't need to start policing this thing, gov will get there soon enough
I know where you're coming from, and part of me agrees, but things like this just cheapen Bitcoin in my opinion. For greater adoption, we can't be having a whole bunch of direct copies floating around, and for people to get the idea that they can simply copy the code, change the name, release it out there and make money, is not healthy. Altcoins that innovate I'm fine with, complete copy and pastes I don't agree with at all.
there is no utility for a second copy. there MAY be utility for the first, so some people are speculating.