Bitstamp is resolve problems with withdraw, but the price continues to fall !
Why ?
Cos there is a decreasing appetite for Bitcoin at these prices as the thrills of the Bitcoin bull-run becomes an increasingly distant memory.
Because an increasing number of Bitcoiners are getting tired of being pulled into these sucker rallies only to be forced to realise irrecoverable losses 5 minutes later.
Because an increasing number of people are seeing Bitcoin steadily but surely slip down the price range and are asking 'What really is Bitcoin?' (vapour)
Bitcoin is going down and it needs to go down and then stagnate for the sake of its own health. Bitcoin's is intended to be used as a currency, not as a speculative roller coaster. We need to see some price action more suited to it being actually spent into the economy of real things. That for me is a relatively stable/stagnant price, which slowly declines in order to discourage hoarding. What should happen and what will happen are two different things however.