8. Investing in Just One Type of Crypto
This is another big mistake people make, investing in just one type of coin, because thou it’s not bad to start with one type of coin, but as time goes on, diversify your portfolio, because it’s not good to put all eggs in one basket, as no one knows the next minutes, because as a result of the volatile nature crypto, a coin can be skyrocketing now and in the next one minute crashing.
So that’s how crypto works, and diversification is the best option every crypto holder could do to either stable coin and the rest.
However, never take this method as a big mistake because there are many people who are willing to ignore dozens of altcoin to not include in their portfolio just to invest in bitcoin alone. They only have bitcoin in their portfolio and ignore the long term potential of altcoin, so what big mistake did they make?
Even if diversification is good but if one is only investing in bitcoin then it is actually a very good option. Bitcoin is still much better in the long run than thousands of other altcoin, so obviously that shouldn't be taken as a mistake. After all, don't put your eggs in one basket - This doesn't necessarily mean you have to diversify your assets for several different altcoin, but it's kind of a way you keep some of your assets in different wallets.