As always, I will ask the most important questions regarding 911. I'm not a truther, in fact, I am a reverse truther. I do not claim to know who was behind the September 11 attacks, but I do know who wasn't. I certainly know it wasn't "angry Muslims who hate us for our freedom". By way of deduction, it's really easy to figure out:
* Who benefit from the attack?
Sometimes, it is better to answer a question with more questions. In this case:
* Without the 911 attacks, could the Bush Administration have ever justified the invasion of Iraq?
* Without 911, could the Government be able to appoint shills to try and justify mass surveillance, such as NSA's PRISM, as well as numerous other attacks and infringement of civil liberties disguised as National Security (ie The Patriot Act, NDAA, etc)?
It's quite obvious that the answer to, "Who benefit from the attacks" is clearly:
* The Saudi Arabian and American Governments, respectively
* The various corporations that sold weapons and related stocks which increased as a result of the foreign invasion of Afghanistan
* The various corporations appointed for "reconstruction" of the now permanently destabilized regions of the Middle East
* Anybody who wants to pass anti-immigration legislation by pulling the 911 card...
Like some government cunt said, "Let no crisis go to waste."
This would imply that once 9/11 had occurred by way of Islamic Terrorists' actions, in the reaction to that outrageous set of actions, various things such as you mention would be expected.