An obvious point to make out that is a problem for bitcoin is simply if it works out, some few peoepl have a lot to gain, even if only a brief adoption occurs…
I think having bitcoin as the main currency is a scary scenario in itself. Isn't fear already a driver of the economy. However being ruled by a small elite sucks too. Having a bunk debt based globally organized economy is also.
~420,000k bitcoins. What if Varoufakis were to drop the B word in negotiations. "Fine, were going to Bitcoin and the drachma/combo."
Bitcoin/blockchain could keep the new greek government fiat currency democratic.
If done properly, the coins could be portioned off early enough, and become worth many times by the time the greek people get them….
On announcement the global markets could go nuts for Bitcoins… A lot of flaws may be found… but who knows, this could be in an interesting moment…