Good job.
It wasn't that hard after all, was it?
In many cases you will also want to decode the address from txout, while you do not know the public key yet.
I said before that it isn't really possible to represent each possible out script as an address, but these days most (like 99%) of the output scripts follow a standard pattern, that is:
0x76 0xa9 0x14 <20-bytes-of-addr's-RIMED> 0x88 0xAC
So from the 20 bytes you can already figure out address where the money is being sent to, yet without having its public key (that only comes later, if this output is being spent).
I once made a tool that is able to decode a raw tx data and dump the output addresses.
It needs openssl to link, but maybe you will find the code itself educational - some people prefer reading source code, over reading a wiki.
gcc bctrans.c -o bctrans.exe -lcrypto -I /local/ssl/include -L /local/ssl/lib
static unsigned char addr_version = 0x00;
static FILE *f = NULL;
BIGNUM *bn58, dv, mo;
BN_CTX *ctx;
#define SHA256(p,l,o) { \
SHA256_CTX shactx; \
SHA256_Init(&shactx); \
SHA256_Update(&shactx, (p), (l)); \
SHA256_Final((o), &shactx); }
void readfile(unsigned char *p, int len) {
if (!f) {
int c, i;
char s[3];
while (len>0) {
for (i=0;i<2;) {
c = getchar();
if (c==EOF) {
fprintf(stderr, "File too short\n");
c = tolower(c);
if (c<='9' && c>='0' || c<='f' && c>='a') s[i++] = (char)c;
s[2] = 0;
sscanf(s, "%x", &c);
*p = (unsigned char)c;
} else {
if (fread(p, 1, len, f)!=len) {
fprintf(stderr, "File too short\n");
unsigned long long getle(unsigned char *p, int bytes) {
unsigned long long res=0;
while (bytes--) {
res|= ((unsigned long long)(p[bytes]))<<(8*bytes);
return res;
unsigned long long getvl() {
unsigned char b[8];
readfile(b, 1);
switch (*b) {
case 0xfd:
readfile(b, 2);
return getle(b, 2);
case 0xfe:
readfile(b, 4);
return getle(b, 4);
case 0xff:
readfile(b, 8);
return getle(b, 8);
return *b;
void prhash(unsigned char *p, unsigned int l) {
while (l--) printf("%02x", p[l]);
void hexdump(unsigned char *p, unsigned int l) {
while (l--) printf("%02x", *p++);
void printbtcaddr(unsigned char *p) {
static const char *chrs = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz";
unsigned char mod;
char out[64];
int i=0, j=0;
BIGNUM *bn = BN_bin2bn(p, 25, NULL);
while (!BN_is_zero(bn)) {
BN_div(&dv, &mo, bn, bn58, ctx);
if (BN_bn2bin(&mo, &mod)==0) mod = 0;
out[i++] = chrs[mod];
BN_copy(bn, &dv);
while ((*p)==0) {
while (i--) putchar(out[i]);
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
static unsigned char buf[0x10000];
unsigned long long i, sl, txcnt, v;
unsigned va, vb;
int x;
long fpos;
char *fname = NULL;
for (x=1; x if (strcmp(argv[x], "-t")==0) {
addr_version = 0x6f; // testnet
} else {
fname = argv[x];
if (!fname) {
printf("Enter transactions hexdump data:\n");
} else {
f = fopen(fname, "rb");
if (!f) {
fprintf(stderr, "File %s not found\n", fname);
return 1;
readfile(buf, 4);
printf("Version: %llu\n", getle(buf, 4));
txcnt = getvl();
printf("TX IN cnt: %llu\n", txcnt);
for (i=0; i readfile(buf, 36);
sl = getvl();
printf("%6d) : ", (int)i);
prhash(buf, 32);
printf(" Idx=%2lld sl=%lld", getle(buf+32, 4), sl);
readfile(buf, sl);
readfile(buf, 4);
printf(" seq=%x\n", (unsigned)getle(buf, 4));
txcnt = getvl();
printf("TX OUT cnt: %llu\n", txcnt);
ctx = BN_CTX_new();
bn58 = BN_bin2bn("\x3a", 1, NULL);
for (i=0; i readfile(buf, 8);
sl = getvl();
v = getle(buf, 8);
va = (unsigned)(v/100000000LL);
vb = (unsigned)(v%100000000LL);
printf("%6d) : %7u.%08u BTC", (int)i, va, vb, sl);
readfile(buf, sl);
if (sl!=25 || memcmp(buf, "\x76\xa9\x14", 3) || buf[23]!=0x88 || buf[24]!=0xac) {
printf(" WARNING! Unexpected SIG_SCRIPT:\n"); hexdump(buf, sl);
} else {
unsigned char dat[25];
unsigned char sha[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
unsigned char sha2[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
dat[0] = addr_version; // version
memcpy(dat+1, buf+3, 20);
SHA256(dat, 21, sha);
SHA256(sha, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH, sha2);
//printf(" chsum:%02x%02x%02x%02x", sha2[0], sha2[1], sha2[2], sha2[3]);
memcpy(dat+21, sha2, 4);
printf(" to address "); printbtcaddr(dat);
readfile(buf, 4);
printf("Lock Time: %llu\n", getle(buf, 4));
if (f) {
fpos = ftell(f);
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
if (fpos!=ftell(f)) {
printf("WARNING!!! File too long. Only %ld bytes expected (%ld too many)\n",
fpos, ftell(f)-fpos);
} else {
printf("File size checked OK - %ld bytes\n", fpos);
return 0;