Taking percentages of percentages is pretty meaningless.
If something went from 0.000001% to 2.7%; then it's grown by 2.699999%.
You're wrong.
If something went from 0.000001% to 2.7%, then it's grown by 270,000,000%.
For example, 0.000001% of the world's population is about 70 people. 2.7% of the world's population is 189,000,000 people. The growth from 70 people to 189,000,000 is 270,000,000%, not 2.699999%.
You're just telling me how to calculate a percentage; I'm pretty sure I know how to do that. What I said is that it's a meaningless number; which you ably demonstrated.
When you say "growth" you're using percentages of the current world's population; except in your growth example the world population starts at 70. If the world's population was 70 why would you suddenly use 7 billion as 100%? 70 is 100% in your example.
The growth from 70 to 189,000,000 is indeed 270,000,000%; but 70 is not 0.000001% of anything in your example, and 189,000,000 isn't 2.7% of anything in your example.
As I say, percentages of percentages are meaningless.
If, on the other hand, in year 1 population grew by 0.00001% relative to year 0; and in year 2 by 2.7% relative to year 1, the population
did not in any meaningful way grow by 270,000,000%.
This sort of percentage of percentage shit is what politicians use to tell us that knife crime has decreased by 10% when in fact it has decreased by 1%.
You seem to be severely confused. Percentages of percentages are far from meaningless. If I own a company that has a 25% profit, and that profit grows to 30%, then I would say that is a 20% growth in profit. That's how percentages work. That's how people talk about growth. They don't call a 25% profit changing to a 30% profit a 5% growth in profit, because that's completely false. It was a 5% growth in REVENUES, but a 20% growth in PROFITS.
See how that works? The same can be applied to this blog post. If Bitcoin fees are 0.00267%, then paypal and credit card processors charge (roughly) 100,000% more in FEES. As a percentage of the total fee, they charge 2.699733% more.
It all depends on what you are talking about. In this case, fees vs fees, it's 100,000%. Fees as a percentage of transaction vs fees as a percentage of transaction, it's 2.699733%. Same thing as saying your profits grew by 20%, while the revenue grew at 5%.
EDIT: To further aid in the explanation, let's look at an example.
Someone purchases an item from me for $100. If it was done via credit card, I would have paid $2.70 for that transaction. That is my transaction fee. But if it was done via Bitcoin, I would have paid $0.0027 for the transaction.
In other words, I paid 100,000% more for my transaction done via a credit card vs done via Bitcoin.