a game where you can go to different rooms created by different people, where you can trade your cryptocurrencies with a tiny small amount of commission for trade (to support the creators), and then, buy furniture in a official catalog where new furnis come and go, so then a lot of furnis can be turn into rare and being sell for more or less money, trade and exchange crypto with other people without any rules of the market, or buy and sell furnis with them, for more or less price.
a cryptoWORLD mmorpg where you can withdraw your cryptocurrency to your wallet or HAVE fun creating rooms and building your own space to make parties and games.
I get what you want us to picture with your idea basically its like a market place inside a game where we can post and trade in there while we meet in person most probably like ragnarok? correct me if im wrong I'm also a gamer and your idea is good to begin with less travel but this kind of scheme needs a fresh start like a nice backer that can adopt to bitcoin and the game must be free to access and can be access anywhere so most probably this must be available in smartphones.. its fun great idea mate.