Challenge 2 - we have a winner! Wowzers!! Looks like someone cracked my challenge 2 (but is for some reason not interested in writing about it here?!).
This transaction is proof of sweeping 2MsucLKM489owxv6emXfCVRCZ3UFb7MnXCR
I suppose it's my job to disclose how it was constructed, and thus how it can be robbed.
To increase difficulty I decide to go with a multisig address (2-of-2 to be exact).
In order to create a multisig address (I will now mention HD and deterministic wallets, BIP32, xpriv, xpub and such terms here) you need several private keys. In this example, two private keys to be precise. What is a private key? Well, it is a random (HOPEFULLY) 256-bit/32-byte number, which is often written out as 64 character hexadecimal strings.
Remember my fake unlocking script in the first example? This:
32 0x2803d055a4a133bde555a39d37762c8354b6f7418817c5c4b516cf413b280209
32 0x3dbb8323f94bf9acd13a5f92e0d0a7e87f34e31b09a866fdc80437a57e24a114
So I took these pseudorandom numbers and converted them to Bitcoin-testnet private key (using my favorite tool)This gave:
Key 1 of 2Private key hex: 2803d055a4a133bde555a39d37762c8354b6f7418817c5c4b516cf413b280209
Compression: YES*
Testnet private key WIF: cNvV73g3NgnSRtX4jfENnDBgQNaVqg7YYYuNpS8SBm41UuZxmrAi
Testnet public key: 02fcc55dca84d81390bf05fe301c49771e4de96039acd54d1ab2fe49ce36bc041e
Testnet public address: mqNsE5yRBcRhfkKiFZqPxRfS6B7V2hqUtT
Key 2 of 2Private key hex: 3dbb8323f94bf9acd13a5f92e0d0a7e87f34e31b09a866fdc80437a57e24a114
Compression: YES*
Testnet private key WIF :cPehe5iiYgmNCKTVyiytGVh3g1pyQMQDSSidaKJcTVPt8gm1bcgD
Testnet public key: 031033d9c6d66b3222df19cc5dfb7022b314bf035115f7cd76f72934863adebf69
Testnet public address: n3iBcnhmJ7oLk4gKjfJiFCk3hSb4LZJe3J
Great. A short comment on compressed vs uncompressed keys: Whenever I can, I always choose compressed; so should you. I then decided to throw them together in Bitcoin Core (google says it's impossible in Electrum, but I'm working on a work-around for it, almost done, watch this space).
In Bitcoin Core (remember to run in testnet mode) console, you first need to get hold your redeem script, and it can be done with
createmultisig 2 '["02fcc55dca84d81390bf05fe301c49771e4de96039acd54d1ab2fe49ce36bc041e","031033d9c6d66b3222df19cc5dfb7022b314bf035115f7cd76f72934863adebf69"]'
As can be seen, we are using two public keys and NOT private keys or public adddresses; very common mistakes), and it spits out
"address": "2MsucLKM489owxv6emXfCVRCZ3UFb7MnXCR",
"redeemScript": "522102fcc55dca84d81390bf05fe301c49771e4de96039acd54d1ab2fe49ce36bc041e21031033d9c6d66b3222df19cc5dfb7022b314bf035115f7cd76f72934863adebf6952ae",
There is our redeem script, that we will use in the second step, still in the console (here we feed it with everything: public addresses, private keys, redeem script)
importmulti '[{ "scriptPubKey": { "address": "2MsucLKM489owxv6emXfCVRCZ3UFb7MnXCR" }, "timestamp":"now", "keys": [ "cNvV73g3NgnSRtX4jfENnDBgQNaVqg7YYYuNpS8SBm41UuZxmrAi","cPehe5iiYgmNCKTVyiytGVh3g1pyQMQDSSidaKJcTVPt8gm1bcgD" ], "redeemscript": "522102fcc55dca84d81390bf05fe301c49771e4de96039acd54d1ab2fe49ce36bc041e21031033d9c6d66b3222df19cc5dfb7022b314bf035115f7cd76f72934863adebf6952ae"}]' '{"rescan": false}'
If done right it should reply with a "success!" message.
Now the address is in our wallet, but it is watch-only, since we haven't fed it with the private keys (I have no idea why the last command doesn't associate the provided private keys), so - still in console:
importprivkey cNvV73g3NgnSRtX4jfENnDBgQNaVqg7YYYuNpS8SBm41UuZxmrAi key1 false
importprivkey cPehe5iiYgmNCKTVyiytGVh3g1pyQMQDSSidaKJcTVPt8gm1bcgD key2 false
Then, for the finale, issue:
It will take several minutes of a fast computer with an SSD. Grab a coffee while waiting.
Done! You now have full control over 2MsucLKM489owxv6emXfCVRCZ3UFb7MnXCR and can spend from it like any other address in your wallet.
Prolog: I figured recycling two already mentioned 32-byte strings, using them as private keys, and joining them together in a multisig address was fun.
We good?