Also, some people are very afraid even to use credit cards online to buy different products or pay for the services and generally, mostly because of media influence, average people are skeptic about btc.
But recently public opinion changed about crypto because Croatian post offered new service to the public, crypto exchange.
Now, because of it some of my friends became interesting in btc again and don't think anymore that btc is scam.
It's obvious that btc reputation is restored because such important company stand behind btc.
The popular opinion about bitcoin is that it's more "hacker's money" because of all the ransomware news, cryptojacking news despite cryptojacking usually mining Monero, and other security news reports that have something to do with bitcoin. So all this causes most people to stay away from it because they can't find any other uses for it.
The other popular opinion about bitcoin is that it's just an investment vehicle, something that will make you rich if you buy it. It certainly shows when the first thing bitcoin newbies search for is how to mine bitcoins.