Ok. Send me a PM when the first (N -10) blocks have been mined
The idea of waiting until a certain point before giving miners coins just creates and incentive for people to NOT mine the coin until it reaches some theoretical point. Because of course- our power is limited so why give it over to a coin were we get nothing back for it? And why wouldn't just EVERYONE wait to mine hoping someone else will spend all the time/energy and then you can jump in and reap the rewards?
The advent of merged-mining gives a zero-cost (except for the work of setting it up) ability to support and harden a second crypto-currency with mining. Any successful future coin must, in my opinion, be adopted through merged mining support. Your PPS pool may be merge-mining and not even be telling you.
As an example of merged-mining success, over 1/3 of all Bitcoin hashing is
also currently mining Namecoins. However, this is not notable to most miners, due to Namecoin's difficulty of use (due to a
sub-par client), it's predictable failure in it's primary purpose (an alternate DNS system), and it's low perceived value per-hash relative to Bitcoin (adding less than 1% to a miner's income after exchange).
Namecoin faltered primarily due to it's introduction before the advent of merge-mining. One had to choose to only mine one blockchain at a time. When Namecoin became more profitable than Bitcoin, everyone jumped on it, mining a two-week difficulty period in just a few days and multiplying the difficulty by four. After the new difficulty was set, making it unprofitable again, miners quit, paralyzing the transfer of money. The currency has been burdened by this since, and the value stays low due to the abundance of no-use-but-to-sell coin.
The introduction of a new coin that has a reward turn-on threshold like I describe above may have a similar "jump on and mine the shit out of it" contingent like the above posters, however setting the "turn-on" threshold required to over 1/4 of Bitcoin's present hashrate means that it cannot make a massive jump - every remaining pool turning on merge mining at once would be the max increase possible, and in reality even a doubling of hashrate at reward start is possibly more than can be expected. The perception of a profitable 2016 block rush may actually encourage and cement the wide and permanent adoption of such a new currency. The new currency won't be left behind to languish like Namecoin was, as there is no advantage to discontinue merge-mining of such a new blockchain once it is implemented, unless it completely falls into disuse. The only obstacle is getting it initially added "for free" and hashed by optimistic pools, which was my only concern expressed in the first post (however the pools that add it first are going to be ready for it's rewards first and attract the miners).
A reward ramp-up period may actually be counter productive. One of the caveats would be low perceived initial income, causing lackluster enthusiasm that may be insurmountable, but another consideration would be the difficulty pools may have in calculating and distributing payments with an inconsistent or unpredictable reward (plus the further departure from mainline code).