Images and tables like these paint a clear picture of why people should start selling their GPUs. I've found that using real examples is the best way to convince someone of something. That being said, this then should make it clear that now is VERY BAD time to buy GPUs. Buying coins? Maybe. But definitely it is clear that buying mining hardware now is a big NO NO.
bullshit they are cheaper so buy them.
under the following reason you have dirt cheap power.
now if you don't have cheap power don't buy them.
also be able to do another buy if they drop lower next month.
once again you need dirt cheap power to follow this advice.
if your power is not cheap do not buy gpu's
please don't tell people to not buy gear
tell people to not buy gear if they spend more ethen 8 cents a kwatt full price of 8 cents includes cooling and all power from power company.