I didnt want to encourage the price to fall any further. So far the destruction of forum.bitcoin.org has remained off the main stream bitcoin news.
and yeah the dollar has problems but these are predictable problems as mentioned. They are economic in nature. And for the most part the dollar is well established in our lives and people know that if you lose a wallet with all your dollars in it, that even if you get the wallet back, it is unlike you will get the dollars. People are used to it and the dollar doesnt have anyone it needs to win over as a viable investment currency(even if you think it is a poor investment)
Bitcoins is trying to win hearts and minds and it already has some things against it. It is technical. It is different. It is hard to explain well. It suffers greatly from all the people who too one glance and said pyramid scheme. It suffers extremely from misinformation. Like on the mtgox hack, people constantly say it was counterfeit coins. It wasnt.
I know our trials and tribulations are not that big in the grand scheme of things, but it will turn off people who are kinda shaky about bitcoin. And I do know many investors who were initially interested who now dont want anything to do with bitcoin.