A lot people use just insider info to make money there is not really analytics but even with the lowest IQ and without any degrees or education at all you can just make money If you got insider info and many even uneducated without any education at all doing that.
"nowadays"? No, it has been going on for a long time and is nothing new. However the way you are describing insider trading is more like people having connections. If you have connections, because say your rich father set you up in a certain business and made the right introductions, then you don't necessarily need to resort to insider trading. You will know the people that make the decision which could mean your company is awarded rather lucrative contracts. Insider trading is a dangerous game, especially when connected to the stock market, because all these transactions are now stored forever and when the feds start digging around in your finances after a few suspicious trades - they are quite good at figuring it out.