I've worked hard to have that savings and will be gone in less than a minute, that's going to be the craziest thing that someone can do and that's to bet his lifesavings.
really lucky because it's so rare that really happens, it's like once in a blue moon only happens, imagine? You're going to bet all your money without thinking about whether or not you're going to win. That dude was very optimistic about winning that's why he manifested it, but yeah, it's kinda scary to do that and I wouldn't do that if I am in his situation because what I have is just a savings for my future, I don't have any intention to put it all in gambling in just one single bet,
We're not the type of gambler that will risk it all just to get something like this and become a content to the others. Oh, content, can be done by some others if they like to get some instant fame nowadays.
You just have to make some good story, short background revealing of what kind of gambler you are and then boom, you'll get to win a once in a life time type of bet like this story.
Even myself cant really be able to fathom on why someone do really have that kind of confidence on which they have decided on doing so. It turned out that he's lucky on that roll and wasnt totally make his life
to be miserable specially if that one missed out.
One of the main rules on doing gambling is to make use of the amount that you can afford to lose and never ever make yourself comes into a point that you are already that betting with your life savings
because this is where shit things happen when you do make those shit decisions. Its impossible that you couldnt really be able to distinguish on whats a good or bad thing.
You could already project out on whats are those possible consequences once you have lost that bet.