I think we need to rename btc with another smaller units
It can be confusing to deal with smaller amount of btc
I completely agree. The code already provides for other kinds of displays. I think that milli (milliB? mil?) should be the default atm. Correspondingly, all of us need to start talking more about "millis" and less about "bitcoins."
The problem, IMO, that human beings are not perfectly rational, and that buying "only 0.01" btc has a negative psychological connotation for newcomers.
The same person might not feel bad buying 10, or 1000, milibs or microbs instead.
It's the same reason (in reverse) why stocks split and consolidate, etc.
bitcoin is a very abstract concept for beginners. putting in "real" money into something abstract is hard all by itself. putting in "real" money to purchase JUST A FRACTION of something abstract is asking way too much for the usual guy.
mbtc is a matter of life or death for bitcoin. if the bitcoin community does not switch, it will fade away.
millibitcoin is the answer.