Libertopia sounds like a joke for AnCapistan rejects from what i can tell by the posts made on this thread.
I copy paste my reply from a youtube video me tell u Ancap morons a parable . The TALE of TWO Paradoxes. There once was two societies. One was called Ancapistan; the other was the ole Republic.
Ancapistan was a people completely and utter consumed by the cult of SCIENTISM. They didnt believe anything had any meaning. They had no explanation how anything came into existence just that they believed the entire universe was created by random chance. They didnt believe in the mind or creation or a creator. They believed in only in materialism. The mind to them and consciousness was just a side effect of chemical reactions because if you ingest chemicals it effected the brain. They thought they were so smart. They were nothing but NIHILIST. Everything is ugly. There is no meaning. Everything is entropy.
The ole Republic was a society who believed in intelligent design and the Creator. They believed Mind comes before Manifestation. Matter had to be imagined first. The mythos was the Original Creator Mind imagined Numbers and made a distinction between Zero and Infinity. The numbers created the geometry of numbers which is a topological vector space. Some geometries create a somewhat permanent standing wave and particles where born. The distinct dynamics of systems is symbolized with what are called Words. And some geometries create a Fractal Closure which is a Singularity with its own universe within it. These singularities being Vortexes have an Eye at the center which is the basis of Perception, Consciousness, and Sentience. These singularities are Creators themselves designed in the image of the Original Creator Mind. Beauty is the dynamics of a design which creates over-unity. Which can be found in life and all sacred geometrical systems. Nothing would exist if there wasn't over-unity. Everything that exist is paid for by having a reason to exist because it is self generating because of fractal recursive architecture.
It is a big game between some sentient beings to make others forget their sovereignty and make others their slave. This can be done by keeping knowledge away from sentient beings by distraction and giving them false stupid ideas. By perverting the words which are the symbols of classifications of the hyper-reality to have no meaning. A technology developed by some predators known as legalese is to have double meaning depending on which context society is being talked to.
The Creation of the ole Republic was infact the fair and intelligent beings declaring a society with A LAW that Universally all Sentient Beings are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Unalienable Rights being the operating phrase here. MEANING the rights they can NOT be “given up” even by contract.
The ANACAPTARDS being they have not one creative individual amongst them. Saw what a brilliant idea the NAP was and claimed they came up with it. What a joke. But since they have no experience with any kind of creative design whatsoever and they dont actually understand what liberty is and that liberty is actually very valuable and Liberty has a price to pay. They are parasites in disguise wanting everything for free including the most valuable rare liberty. Free liberty and free sex. more like no liberty and u need to get laid; get some common sense. ANCAPTARDS in general are just irrational argumentative types trying to act like they are smart by coming up with dumb, like the following: TAXES are FORCE. NO TAXES no Government. They said random organization will occur in the free market. Unbeknownst to them without law no contracts are upheld so there no free market arose. Unable to protect manufacturing and shipping. Only theft was the optimal strategy of survival here. Anacapistan was unable or unwilling to resist attacks upon private contracts and public credit. Land speculators expected no rise in values when no government could not defend its borders nor protect its population. Soon they were contractually sold into slavery since no court order was upheld because of massive rebellion. An unable to resist an invading army Ancapistan became the worst slavery hellhole in the world.
PARADOX 1: no initiation of force (taxation) lead to VIOLENCE and INITIATION OF FORCE everywhere. Massive poverty and oligarchy.
DIEHARD ANCAPS please reference historical reference based on facts and stfu
Because the founders of the ole Republic were the brightest in the field of game theory, celluar automata, system dynamics, and history. They can easily navigate the paradox of taxation. NAP applies in a context and has its limits like Jan clearly explains and ANCAPTARDS have difficulty understanding, that is breaks down in duress. Without LAW and a Society which will uphold NAP the individual is immediately under duress attacked by predation with no sizable defense from all sides by Chaos. Predation from outside armies and from within rebellions against the courts. The taxes were "the price of liberty, the peace, and the safety of yourselves and posterity". So the answer to the paradox of force in taxes is: For membership within the ole Republic society taxation ( initiation of force ) is required to secure the society which will protect the individual from much greater violence. With a minimal government bound to only uphold NAP and nothing else the ole Republic became a standard bearer for freedom in the world . P.S. until ANCAPTARDS moved in with no education and demanded a democracy of getting free crap.
PARADOX 2:: taxation only to secure the republic leads to ultimate freedom and free markets because contracts are upheld and there is a common defense
In the ole Republic:
The original constitution although separated out many powers and religion from state is proper design it failed because it didnt explicitly separate the creating of currency from state. Allowing the force of taxation to be anesthetized. Hence no pubilc resistance to big government. We dont have a republic anymore . We have a democracy collapsing into anarchy which is a prelude to despotism totalitarianism.
The new Republic will separate out the power of money from the state. bitcoin, gold, rothamon trading cards whatever. Finally No where is roads fire dept, all the other public crap part of the LAW of NAP and is not in the jurisdiction of the government of the Republic