b2c, you can't handwave away the problem of mass ownership of land. It's already the case that you can't get a decent chunk of land that you can actually grow something on without shelling out a couple thousand bucks to some speculator who isn't even using it. Where I live, in the middle of a large city, there isn't anywhere that I can go and be self-sufficient and be left alone within a hundred-mile radius. This is not primarily due to "big government", but rather "big property".
Libertarianism is just a clever rationalization of the old children's rhyme, "Tick tock, the game is locked; nobody else can play."
No, that's a straw man argument. If the only choice is to kill you or allow you to keep my coat then you will keep my coat. However, life is never black and white like that. There are many other ways that I can get my coat back. I could simply wait until you are asleep and take it then. There are many other ways that don't involve killing you or causing you physical pain.
Such as? Other than snatching it back from me in the same way that I originally stole it from you, you can't really get the coat back without causing me harm, assuming I'm dead-set on keeping it. This doesn't require me to use violence, but just to be very stubborn. Ultimately violence must be used, no matter how much you distance yourself from it by burying it under layer upon layer of ritual. ("I didn't kill him over a coat. I just filed a police report. He should have answered the door when the cop knocked. He shouldn't have resisted arrest. I didn't kill him over a coat.")
My point was that saying what you can and cannot do on my private property is not the same as saying you have to obey my laws, anywhere you go, even on unowned land. You must understand that, right?
Small difference. I have to obey the "laws" of the landowners whom I am surrounded by, even though they're not "the government". This may sound like a nitpick, since surely I could find some landlord or business owner who would tolerate my presence and not do me harm--but imagine yourself suddenly transported to some nation whose very culture you find threatening. You would be surrounded by private owners who might think nothing of taking you hostage and chopping your hand off because you touched the wrong thing. But, hey, you were on their property, and you broke their rules. Why didn't you just go somewhere else? (Because, from your perspective, all of the property owners there are batshit crazy.)
If you insist on living your life in my society stealing from others it is probable that you will be highly disappointed, institutionalized and/or dead. This is highly self destructive behavior. It appears your beliefs are as deeply emotional and musterbatory as anyones. (that goes for me and bitcoin2cash also)
This might shock you, but I don't actually go around stealing people's coats. As for my beliefs, I'm not an "anti-libertarian" or a "leftist" or whatever. I don't cling to any political ideology. It can be disconcerting at times, but you have to grow up some time.