Let's face it. These damn fly-by-night new coin announcements are annoying as shit. Not only are they crudding up the forums with spam and additional scammers, but they're hurting the overall cryptocoin ecosystem. There are a lot of people that say, "but this coin does this different" or "it should stop after coin x, because the rest are shite." I'm not going to lie, I mined some of them. FC2 because it was the first time I was able to solo mine something and get full blocks. I mined YAC too, and I think it's got something going for it, but not to the point where I'm dropping money on it. But now there's vaginacoins and (insert country name here) coins, and fastcoins, and slowcoins, and who-gives-a-shit coins. It's getting ridiculous. We need to stop it. So here's my proposal...
All new coins need to be voted on before they're allowed to be announced or released on this forum. Whether that be by poll, or by a group of mods/cryptocoin leaders that are well respected and trusted. If it gets a majority vote, it can be announced. If it fails, it doesn't get the time of day in the forums. If people try to post anyway, the post is deleted by a mod. Fuck em.
I used to like hanging out in this subforum because I learned a lot about LTC and such. Now I don't even want to look in here because of the 8,000 new coins posted everyday.
There are enough people here that are seriously getting tired of it. So stand up and do something about it.
waaaa waaa you have 100 posts. Your can't block people from announcing their coins. Then what? you'll whine that it was pre-mined?
If this is what keeps you up at night, its time to get a life.