Jesus, dude. Do you have trouble sleeping because there is a non-zero chance that a cougar is lurking under your bed, waiting for you to let down your guard?
We are used to people basically being honest because we have built a society in which deception is generally punished. When you're in a situation where deception would clearly be extremely profitable, it's unreasonable not to seriously consider the possibility that you are being deceived. That's not FUD, it's just the way the world really is.
The fact is that Pirate personally comes off much better if he doesn't pay back his obligations and sells his own debt. The only reasons for him not to do that are personal honestly, fear of reprisals, and the value of his reputation. It's not FUD to say those factors should be weighed against the profit he stands to make.
It's also not FUD to point out non-obvious risk factors. Prior to my pointing it out, I'm not aware of anyone who pointed out that it's in Pirate's financial interest to *sell* Pirate debt.