As most of you already know, you can buy Bitmain coupons and use them to purchase miners, what you might be missing is the fact that the majority of circulating coupons which If i had to guess I would say well over 95% of them expire on 31/1/2020, the current list of which I am were of is:
The current average price for these coupons is about 15% of their value, and every couple of days their value drops a bit more, so my estimation is that starting from 25th of this month you will be able to buy them for close to 5%.
The supply is a lot, I am almost certain that they won't run out, therefore, if you are planning to buy more gears as I am planing to do, it would be best to wait until 25th to buy cheap coupons and get extra savings on your orders.
You should also take note that these coupons have a 10% rule, more details can be found in the quoted post below.
Also there is a problem with these large value coupons, they only make sense for large orders due to the 10% rule, for example see below
Here is an attempt to buy 1*Antminer T17e - 53TH/s
1-Using a 140$ coupon a 175$ coupon the same discount regardless of the coupon value, so a 689$ coupon is only worth it for an order that is above $3060, because for anything less than that, buying a 306$ coupon for 45-60$ would give you the same discount.