
Topic: A vulnerability in olalonde's implementation of gmaxwell's proof-of-solvency (Read 2166 times)

Activity: 4326
Merit: 8951
The requirement is that if there is fraud it must be detectable by some user under some path and that they have the ability to create a transferable proof of their detection. You can't achieve stronger than that (e.g. that if there is fraud all users can detect it) under this approach.  The criteria is met if you show the unsummed values (as listed on iwilcox page) or just show the one step deep off-path preimage.
full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 157
You don't need to verify the integrity of nodeC.left.hash or nodeC.right.hash.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
So we've established that we need nodeC.left.val, nodeC.left.hash, nodeC.right.val, and nodeC.right.hash to verify the integrity of nodeC.val and nodeC.hash. The same logic applies recursively to nodeC.left and nodeC.right: this is why I said that proofs of inclusion now require O(N) space. You ultimately need to know all the leaves.
full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 157
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
The prover provides nodeC's child hashes. There is no need to verify that they are correct

This is true, but the verifier needs to verify that nodeC.value is correct. There's no way to verify that without also verifying nodeC.hash. The only way to verify nodeC.value is the value in nodeC.hash is by computing hash(nodeC.value | nodeC.left.hash | nodeC.right.hash) and comparing this value to nodeC.hash -- do you agree?
full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 157
The prover provides nodeC's child hashes. There is no need to verify that they are correct, that is the job of verifiers whose merkle paths go through nodeC.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
But the verifier can't compute nodeC.hash without also knowing nodeC's children's hashes, correct?

This logic applies to nodeC's children as well, and so on until the leaves.
full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 157
The value of each node is part of the input to the hash for that node. The verifier can compute this himself, the prover does not need to make any claims about it.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
The prover does not at any point alter the hashes, only the values he's telling people for proofs of inclusion. The reason you can't trust (what the prover tells you for) nodeC.value is that you can't be sure that it is the same value that's in nodeC.hash.
full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 157
The prover cannot, because nodeC.hash = H(4 || nodeC.left_child_hash || nodeC.right_child_hash) and the user is provided all three pieces of information in the hash (as part of nodeC).

Agreed, this is what I was saying before. Node E needs to require more than just node C from the prover; node E needs nodeC.left.hash, nodeC.left.value, nodeC.right.hash, and nodeC.right.value to verify node C.hash. But then you run into the same problem with nodeC.left and nodeC.right -- you need their hash preimages as well to verify their values and hashes.

You don't need their hash preimages. If these hashes are incorrect it will be detected by the users whose merkle paths go through these nodes.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
This scheme doesn't anonymize that much -- you still know the value held by your "paired" user. Proof of reserves is accomplished by signing some string with private keys controlling UTXOs adding to the value of your claimed reserve. There's no need to reveal any public addresses for proof-of-liability, only for proof-of-reserve.

Anyway, the point of this thread is that the node-combining function the proof-of-liability tree is defective, for reasons I've explained above.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
I really like the merkle tree solution to anonymising the users and holdings.

But sorry if I'm missing something here, how is any of this proof of solvency? I can see that it's proof of liability, but to prove solvency we would need to see public addresses of hot and cold wallets?

Activity: 11
Merit: 0
The prover cannot, because nodeC.hash = H(4 || nodeC.left_child_hash || nodeC.right_child_hash) and the user is provided all three pieces of information in the hash (as part of nodeC).

Agreed, this is what I was saying before. Node E needs to require more than just node C from the prover; node E needs nodeC.left.hash, nodeC.left.value, nodeC.right.hash, and nodeC.right.value to verify node C.hash. But then you run into the same problem with nodeC.left and nodeC.right -- you need their hash preimages as well to verify their values and hashes.
full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 157
The prover could falsify nodeC.val without changing nodeC.hash

The prover cannot, because nodeC.hash = H(4 || nodeC.left_child_hash || nodeC.right_child_hash) and the user is provided all three pieces of information in the hash (as part of nodeC). To change the value of nodeC the prover would need to find strings X, Y such that nodeC.hash = H(2 || X || Y), which is impossible if H is a collision-resistant hash function.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
That's not sufficient, though. In the above example, if node E gets node D, node B, node A, and node C (as it would in a standard Merkle inclusion proof) there would be no way to verify that nodeC.val is actually the value in nodeC.hash. The prover could falsify nodeC.val without changing nodeC.hash, and there would be no way for nodeE to detect this. In this case, the prover could tell nodeE that nodeC.val = 2 and nodeA.val = 2 + 2 = 4, and nodeE would not be able to verify this.
full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 157
It's still logarithmic. You only reveal the preimages of the neighboring hashes (which include amounts for the immediate children of everything in your merkle path), there is no need to recurse further.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
If that's the case, then this is no longer a Merkle tree in the sense that proofs of inclusion now take O(N) (rather than O(lg(N))) space. Consider a root with four leaves and three inner nodes:

                     valA = 4
                     hashA = hash(val | hashB | hashC)
                       /                                          \
                nodeB                                              nodeC
                valB =  2                                          valC = 4
                 hashB = hash(2 | hashD | hashE)       hashC = hash(4 | hashF | hashG)
                 /                  \                                 /                                     \
nodeD                            nodeE                               nodeF                                    nodeG
valD = 1                         valE = 2                            valF = 3                                valG = 4
hashD = hash('alice' | 1)  hashE = hash('bob' | 2)      hashF = hash('charlie' | 3)      hashG = hash('david' | 4)                  

if nodeE wants proof of inclusion, nodeE needs to require and nodeD.val in order to verify hashD in order to verify that valB is correct. Notice this is in much more than what is required for the standard Merkle tree proof of inclusion, in which nodeE would just require hashD, not valD. Now to verify valA, bob needs valC, but bob can't be sure that valC is actually the hash in hashC. So now bob also needs hashF, valF, hashG, and valG, in order to verify valC = valF + valG. But bob can't be sure about valF or valG either unless he knows the names 'charlie' and 'david' in addition to hashF and hashG, to verify those two hashes' correctness. As you can see, this is no longer just user data for one other user, but user data for every single other user in the tree.
full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 157
You are making sense. What I'm saying is that in the iwilcox writeup, all the information is provided to the user to verify the hash preimages. Which does include user data for one other user, apparently, though I recall some discussion at the time gmaxwell proposed this about cleaning that up..
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
But the thing is that in order to avoid this vulnerability, a customer would need to verify the preimages of the preimages of the hashes in the account-root path -- i.e., if the customer is node.left, he would have to know node.value, node.hash, node.right.userAccount, node.right.value, node.right.hash, and node.right.nonce. It's not enough to know node.right.hash and node.right.value because you cannot be certain that node.right.value is the same value that was hashed to create node.right.hash.

If you look at this --
hexstr( firstfourbytes( sha256( "[email protected]" ))) = e4fd9d12

the value is 3333, and the nonce is ab00. If the prover tells you, "this node's hash is e4fd9d12 and its value is 0", you have no way of verifying this is true unless you know "[email protected]" and also "ab00", in which case you could see that hexstr(firstfourbytes(sha256("[email protected]"))) doesn't match.

Taking my example above, if you're customer A, the prover could very well tell you that node B's hash is hashB and node B's value is 0. This would match up because P.value = 10 + 0, and P.hash = hash(10 | hashA | hashB). If you're customer B, the prover could tell you that node A's hash is hashA and node A's value is 5. This also matches up because P.value = 5 + 5 and P.hash = hash(10 | hashA | hashB). Does this make sense?
full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 157
My reading of iwilcox's post (well, my reading of the big diagram with nodes circled) is that the preimages of the child-node hashes (just the preimages of the hashes actually in the path from user's account to root --- the whole tree is not expanded of course!) are given to the user, so the user can verify this. I haven't verified that that's what olalonde's code actually does, but I'd expect it to be the case.
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