What I'm saying BR0KK is that the people who are against abortion are often both deeply religious and catholic and the fact is for the catholic church at least it does seem to be comprised of an alarming number of child molesters/rapists so I honestly don't really care if I offend people by saying I think they should stay the fuck away from thinking they can tell people what is the morally 'correct' thing to do with children. It's a deeply personal thing and no state, ideology or bullshit sense of righteousness is going to be the answer for every human being out there and people should respect that.
That's still implying that there is a trend in these fucktard's molesting and raping..... Thats simply not true:)
Believe it or not I'm actually being fairly diplomatic here, but if we spin the situation around and put it on a situation where we're on the receiving end, if there was a small mob of women going around tell you you have to go and get a vasectomy and they were lobbying the government to introduce it into law you'd be pretty pissed everyone was telling you what to do with your body wouldn't you? Granted, me personally?
Not exactly the same situation here. Cutting my tubes (I'm confident to do that when 40) is not like aborting a fetus. If there were a "mob of protesting woman" i would just outright ignore them (they can go fuck themselves, like these religios braindead people).
Did you read what if written?
Where is the father in this situation? Doesn't he count a bit?
And again..... Life comes with responsibility!
If I could get a completely reversible chemical based option I'd probably have it done until I was 40 just so I could have sex with a woman without any consequences lol but that's just me.
Thats exactly what woman have now.... and they even don't have to pay for it :/ Its just a pill to take whats the difficulty for the majority of women?
Men only have the Condom, the option not to have sex or get there tubes cut (not for free like the other part of the human species)....
I would definitely be among the first to take those pills if they were existent (but sad as it is, they never will!).
I just think it's bullshit to have the discussion at all really on a political level, it's the typical warning from past people beyond the grave where if you get religion involved too much with the state everything goes mental.
I'm not implying religion here..... morals are NOT in any case religious :/ It sounds like they have a copyright on that?