Simon, it works like this- Color Coins ARENT ZERO TRUST. You must trust the Issuer. The moment you've done that, you not only lose this quality of zero trust, but you make the whole operation of mining pointless. You can move the equation around in several ways, but in all cases you don't need mining, you don't need hash power- it's a waste. They could try and move it in any number of different directions:
1) they try and put it on the main BTC block chain, and you will have transaction overload. You might get the miners to comply, but they aren't going to do so for free. So now we have this 'zero trust' but we have to pay for it. I can get the same thing from many other services.
2) they make an altchain, in this case they lose atomic swapping and don't have access to the hashing power in the main chain. Why do it? Why even use coin coloring at all in this case, you can just redesign the tx formats.
In my view the people working on Color Coins lack vision and only see things in terms of the few things they know about Bitcoin. They don't have much understanding of how the greater world of money works at all. There is even a related project to Color Coins that as far as I can tell is some cheap pump and dump scam.
these shortcomings I recognized a while ago and this is why I developed Confidence Chains
http://altchain.orgI factor out a few things here and there, and you get something quite different. You get a chain of confidence, with nodes you must trust. The advantage to this architecture is many things, one of them is that you cannot disable it without disabling all the nodes. You can look at the whitepapers on the site, its all explained clearly and I haven't revised any of my claims BECAUSE THEY ARE BASED IN WELL UNDERSTOOD PRINCIPLES.
Of course most all colored coins require trusting the issuer! The main advantage of using a decentralized block chain as opposed to the conventional way is that the colored coins can be exchanged in multiple exchanges and everyone can be assured that what I exchange in one is the same as the one exchange in another. That is a very powerful use case!
Mining has almost nothing to do with colored coins. Sure you can devise some kind of mining scheme, but for what purpose? To create another kind of trust free coin on top of the already trust free network?
Are you referring to Mastercoin? well that is a completely pointless exercise.
I can see where you are going with the confidence chains and I do agree that a decentralized exchange would be better served on a network and protocol different from bitcoin. However, can you explain to me how your proposal compares to Ripple and Open Transactions?
The main advantage of using a decentralized block chain as opposed to the conventional way is that the colored coins can be exchanged in multiple exchanges and everyone can be assured that what I exchange in one is the same as the one exchange in another. That is a very powerful use case!
I will grant that there may be some perceived advantages to this. But what this trust model ignores are the risks
and long term costs of PoW systems. I've already explained the drawbacks many times, they are in the record. No one will be convinced of anything until they observe the effects themselves, so it's not very much worth spending time establishing these theoretical concepts over and over again. I was supportive of Color Coins in the beginning, and I still like the basic concept- but the people involved with the project currently I dont associate with. They've repeatedly made unreliable and false claims and there is no attempts to rectify this or even acknowledge it. Thus you really have no idea what you're listening to with these people. Note also that IBM is involved with the Color Coins model. I think they see the potential to sell more hardware, but that isn't based on their own official statements.
just keep in mind that last time I explained why Open Transactions doesn't live up to it's claims I was attacked by Chris Odom. I spend several months working with this character along with a number of other people. I have the records to prove this. AMOF, he *stole* the domain from me. This board just isn't an environment where you can get facts easily.
Given that, statements made about Open Transactions are largely untrue. It is not decentralized. It is a client-server system that uses crypto in a fairly straightforward way. It also has an unintegrated Chaumian E-cash component that was added by way of Ben Lauries Lucre library. This component does not work with the other parts of Open Transactions. Mind you, OT has NO REAL WORLD USERS. I don't take this project or Chris seriously. Also Chaumian cash, while theoretically sound I don't feel is very relevant today. The problem with it is that it's not decentralized, thus can be shut down. OT exhumed Chaumian cash, made the suggestion that they changed or improved it in some way(he didnt), and presented it as a novel new idea. I also sometimes wonder if David Chaum was involved with the creation of Bitcoin, but we can't know for sure.
Regarding Ripple, It's also somewhat deceptive. They made a few tricky moves regarding their open source status. It's a commercial product and their business model was to sell and market XRPs(similar to Mastercoin). At one point I asked: If Ripple is open source, why can't I just issue a new set of XRPs? XRP2.0? Soon afterwards the project seemed to have faded out of existence. Ripple also has virtually NOTHING to do with the original ideas associated with this name. It's all part of the Googleplex mega-complex, which I will never(and probably can never) be a part of due to my outspoken opinions on the surveillance machine they are running under the guise of 'entrepreneurship' and 'startups'. Thanks to St. Snowden I can now say these things without being branded a mentally insane schizophrenic(which some people in these circles have already tried to do).
Confidence Chains does a lot of things. Turns out that to support a decentralized ledger you need to build a few things that let you do lots of other fun stuff. It supports many financial functions, have look at the link in my sig. If you have an questions you can post them to the forum. I'll answer them personally. thx, -bm