btcjam was always full of scammers, it's just getting worse now. it's just too easy to scam there, I don't recommend them.
According to their stat page, it looks like A-rated borrowers are pretty solid on repayments. Do you actually have experience with loaning on there? I know going with A-rated people is a much lower interest rate, but if it's like it looks, that's a great way to minimize risk and still get return.
lost 1 bitcoin there some time in the past and I'm only reading horror stories of their non-existent service. btcjam only cares about fees, they literally do nothing to help a lender
Did you only loan to A-rated people or also B->F? This makes a huge difference.
are you aware that there are people selling A+ accounts? you just can't trust anyone on btcjam in my opinion
Ah, I wasn't. This would mean that people are basically selling their identity... that seems like a very risky transaction to me. It's not nearly as anonymous as a BCT account would be.