One of these members of travels to several Asian countries to advertise ethtrade.
Another member of made charity in the philippines to publicize ethtrade.
Which ones? I'm guessing it's not Sai Teja or Dinesh; they're the ones who wanted to denounce, and they run some legitimate businesses. But they've been silent for a little while now, so I fear Raja's combined tactics of intimidation and bribery may be having some success. They really only have difficult options, at this point.
I agree.
Well obviously nobody wants to be involved with this situation, but you have to remember these are human beings with families and stuff. I will be honest with you about foul play I see, but my role is to help people. Those people are usually somewhat naive, or else they would not need help. So if the possibility exists that they are innocent, I can't just flatly ignore them if they need advice--that would hamper my ability to determine their innocence or guilt, anyways.