I have checked axie as it was the most popular one, but I have checked others as well and they all look great, especially the ones based on enjin because they were 3d rpg games like lost relics and you could make some serious money with them. One guy made about $600 in 10 hours because he was a very high level guy and got lucky with some gold eggs. How could you not love that idea?
Right now it costs so much to breed a new one, but same was true for cryptokitties back in the day, it was highly expensive to breed a new one and that is why all of them were expensive, sometime in the future, people start to not buy too many axies, the demand for it goes down, people do not want to pay 200-300 just for one of them, this causes all the axies on market not to be sold, and then people start to drop their prices to sell, and when that drops the cost drops with it because people will not buy SLP for a lot of money and then make a loss when they sell, all in all everything falls, and the market starts to suck. That is just one game, this will happen to the whole market one day, maybe tomorrow, maybe in 3 years, who knows?